The Weybridge Volunteer Fire Department began in March 1961, when a group of interested townspeople met at the town hall and decided to form a volunteer group of people to fight fires in Weybridge. Soon after the volunteers purchased an old truck and during that summer and fall spent many hours converting the truck to a vehicle suitable for fire fighting. Then in December they purchased a small plot of land on Quaker Village Road and using largely salvaged and donated materials, built a single bay fire station on that plot of land. The single bay station was expanded in 1964 to a 42 by 40 foot building to include vehicle bays for a tanker truck and pumper.
But it was not until 1966 that the Town officially voted to accept the Fire Department as an auxiliary fire fighting force, supplementing the contracted services of the Middlebury Fire Department. Additional vehicles were purchased in 1971 and 1980 to enhance fire fighting capabilities and in 1982 the department moved into the new Town Garage and Fire Station at 460 Quaker Village Road.
Until the early 1980’s the Fire Department was funded exclusively by donations and fund raising events performed by the firemen themselves. But eventually increased insurance costs became untenable and the department requested basic operating funds from the Town. In 1984 this request was approved by the voters. The voters have continued to support the basic operating budget of the department to this day, but nevertheless, the fund raising activities remain an essential source of revenue in order to fund equipment improvements that enhance firefighting safety and capability. Fund raising today includes the annual appeal in November, a spaghetti dinner in February, fire protection for events at Field Days, bake sales at various times throughout the year and other events as opportunities arise.
In the department’s 60 year history there have been many improvements in the fire fighting equipment used, including personal protection equipment, training methods, and significant improvements in fire fighting technology. As new equipment or methods are successfully used by one department in the county, before long most of the other departments will be using similar equipment and methods. We are members of the Addison County Firefighters Association which has an enviable reputation within the State Firefighters Association. As we look to the future we will continue to update our equipment and firefighting technology and continue to serve the Town of Weybridge in a competent and professional manner. We are confident as we face the next decades of the 21st century that we have a reasonably secure financial base and a capable motivated membership.